Psyched 2020 Talk: Psychedelics and Technology


This is is part of my live-learning series! I will be updating this post as I continue through my journey. I apologize for any grammatical errors or incoherent thoughts. This is a practice to help me share things that are valuable without falling apart from the pressure of perfection. 

I’m delighted to be doing a talk at #Psyched2020 on Monday, June 8th at 1:30 PM EST!

Talk Title

Technology For Good: Technology to Improve Psychedelic Research, Therapy, and Knowledge Mobilization

Talk Description

In this talk, Tyler explores how technology can be used to increase awareness, treatment, research, public sentiment, and government policy to help make the healing potential of psychedelics a reality. What technology is being used right now? What is being developed? What opportunities are there? What are the risks? Tyler shares his research on the past, present, and future of psychedelics and technology and just how inextricably linked they are.

Tyler will also provide insights from his own personal journey with depression, plant medicine, and the current mental health system, his support of amazing nonprofits organizations like MAPS Canada and the Canadian Psychedelic Association, and lessons from starting a Psychedelic Society in his hometown. Tyler will also share about his company Speak Ai and their project Sessions, an intuitive, secure platform that extracts meaningful insights from personal journals and recorded sessions.

It’s an exciting, scary, and important time. Psychedelic nonprofits, businesses, and events are emerging at an accelerating pace. There is a lot required to deliver high-quality psychedelic treatment to those who need it. Tyler hopes that after this talk, viewers will have some new insights into how we can use technology for good to help people live happier and healthier lives. 

It is completely free! If you are interested, get your ticket with the code “TylerBryden” here:

#Psychedelics #AI #SentimentAnalysis #Research

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