How To Identify Customer Needs


This is is part of my live-learning series! I will be updating this post as I continue through my journey. I apologize for any grammatical errors or incoherent thoughts. This is a practice to help me share things that are valuable without falling apart from the pressure of perfection. 

Today I am looking at how to identify customer needs. This is part of my live learning series.

I’ve been thinking about live learning for many years.

Like so many of us, I hold back because I don’t think I’m capable of reaching a certain threshold of quality I deem worthy of sharing. This is an attempt to break that.

I apologize for any grammatical errors, thoughts that aren’t fully cohesive or fleshed out. Like almost everything in life, learning, creating, and sharing is an ongoing process. I’ve held myself back for years because I felt like I wasn’t reaching a level of quality. I no longer want to or can do that anymore.

This is an experiment like everything in my life. You are getting my stream of consciousness as I learn and adapt to my life and the world around us. Some days, I won’t even be writing, I will be using Speak Ai to transcribe and dictate my thoughts to generate content.

What am I exploring?

There are multiple reasons I am doing this. Here are just some of them below. This will continue to evolve:


How constant output, even if not complete, can impact your life. How does this connect with others? Do people find this valuable or not? How much will this help the search engine rankings of How much will it help,,,,, (not yet live),, and

Helping People

There are so many things I am privileged to have the opportunity to learn every day. And every single day I learn something new that breaks the paradigm of how I was thinking before. My goal is to and share those lessons with others. Just maybe, this will help them avoid the many mistakes I’ve made along the way. I can’t promise you anything 😂. But, I am trying my best.

Identifying Customer Needs

Here is the live learning of my research and work around identifying customer needs. I’ll have separate pieces on defining and segmenting customers, understanding pain points, and communicating the value of your offering in a way that compels people to want to sign up immediately.

This is something I thought I knew something about when I started I was wrong. I continue to have my assumptions challenged every day.

This is ongoing work for Speak Ai & I’m documenting the research I’m doing along the way. I’ve made some good decisions. A lot of bad ones. One of those is not documenting from the very start. I believe the documenting I am doing is helpful. I wish I had done this work on customer needs before a lot of the things I started with Speak Ai. That includes spending years and hundreds of thousands of dollars in building technology.

Sometimes you can make decisions in the moment and you don’t know what road you are heading down. If you’re in business, one of the best things you can do from the very start, or before you even begin is talk to your customers or prospective customers. I know that sometimes I felt I did that properly. But, other times, we dreamed up stuff from our own heads and started implementing it without ever talking to anyone.

There are two ideas for me:


  1. You talk to your customers or prospective customers to identify their pains and needs
  2. You present a new opportunity to customers that they may never be identified as pain or need (think Steve Jobs giving us the iPod when no one had really thought of or asked of that before he presented it). Now, I’m definitely not saying I’m Steve Jobs (although I did once dress as him for Halloween and I do love LSD) and have the capacity to predict the future or what people need. But, it’s interesting – because I am so focused on future-forward ways of helping myself I am hoping that will connect with others.

Here a few links from my initial browse so you can see how I am searching and what results I got. I use TabCopy to automatically grab the links from my Google Chrome Browser. You can find the extension here. You can see my Google Search results below:

how to find urgent needs customer – Google Search

16 Types of Customer Needs (and How to Solve for Them)

10 Methods for Identifying Customer Needs

Serve Your Customers Three Most Urgent Needs

How to Understand Customer Needs – and Give People What They Want

Sign in and continue searching

Identify customer needs in the health services – Identify customer needs in the health services

Reflection On Customer Needs

How do you find customer needs? In the end, we’re all just people. I found another awesome article about primal needs we have as a human vs self-imposed ones. I thought this was fascinating. Primal ones include survival, air, water, food etc. Non-primal ones are culturally imposed. One of the examples was productivity and the need to always feel productive. We don’t necessarily have to do that or believe in it but it has become a big part of our culture.


I hope you like this and found it valuable! I’ll continue to explore. I may be back to update this.

I’d love to harness the collective intelligence of the amazing people around me. How do you identify your customer needs? What breakthroughs have you had in your own work?

Thank you as always ♥

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