Speak With Tyler Bryden
Speak With Tyler Bryden
The Legalization Of Marijuana In Canada & The Future Of Drugs

Tyler speaks about the recent legalization of marijuana in Canada and the future of drugs. How does legalization roll out? What impact will this have on other countries? How will this influence other decisions around drugs? What do drugs in society in the future look like?

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Podcast link: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/tyler-talks/id1396635219?mt=2


Right, so the right here June 22, 2018 love screens around me.

That’s why my eyes are always starting. I almost think This is bad Medio etiquette but of my screens too much, and I’m also looking at some stuff, and I wanna pull it out for you. I’m continuing this habit of trying to do just some video content and a place that I am comfortable both and… and want to share that content with you guys. I’ve been doing this, you both video obviously, recording here but also been sending us out through audio and so big exciting moment for old timer here, Tyler talks. I don’t know if that’s gonna be the name that stays, but I just wanted to set this up. We first looked at setting up this whole process and system. I thought it was gonna be much more difficult than it actually turned out to be and I think that’s why I was so hesitant for a while. But I am gonna actually explain this in some blog posts, but really all I did. But my WordPress site I got a word press plug-in, as well too, that generates in our speed with a speed every time I put a new podcast or basically what is a blog post if you’ve used word present before, it automatically pops that our speed iTunes is basically crawling that periodically, maybe once a day, and if new content is uploaded than it actually populates right or on its setting times is there, it’s up you can listen to it, it’s even got a couple of popularity bars. If you didn’t notice. I think I had four or five lessons. So that’s some very low popularity but there is some bars there. And I appreciate you typing me up iTunes, but did have something I really wanted to talk about today. And that is something that many people are excited about here in Canada.

Marijuana is to be legal over 17th to confirms this is taken a little bit longer than I think we originally thought, but that seems to be… I go with all politics, and so I don’t think any one is too upset. We’re excited to see this. It’s a landmark moment for I believe the world and how we perceive recreational marijuana and recreational drugs. And that’s what I wanted to talk about today legalization of marijuana, here in Canada, but also what is the future of drugs look like? And this might be something that seems cut dry for most people, we might start making slow incremental movements towards legalizing marijuana but what other drugs will be the utilized what are we looking at across the world, what are we seeing and how was this gonna shift over the next couple of years, or next couple of decades and wanted to share a couple of studies and things and trends that we’re seeing that to me, really, signals, again, a shift in how we perceive drugs, drugs and actually moving them more towards what we believe is now medicine, and really seeing some serious success on some use cases is I wanna talk about that is, of course, I did want to talk about the legalization to go. He did it. This was a big campaign promise. I think a lot of people voted for him honestly, based on this, he had two big promises. Was this an electoral form time? Get the electoral form though, we’ve got the marijuana, it’s exciting times. Now, the big question here is, how does this roll out? We are only the second country in the world to actually legalize marijuana federally first in the G-7nd. So there’s not too many precedents set for how this is gonna happen.

And we soon debate as has the public sector and when we first… so, I started talking and making that shift towards legalization. Kathleen when was our Premier liberal in charge of the… how this was gonna set up? So federal law, but there’s some province roles in how this works. We were looking at the public sector actually rolling this out similar to the LCBO they had… what, now called the Ontario Canada, store which has some fourteen cannabis stores have been announced. I don’t believe they’re open yet but they’re starting to put these zones and try to figure out where are these buildings is gonna go. How does it actually work in a… What’s this gonna look like now? A lot of people I think are relatively upset about it, going public. I think it makes sense. Obviously they’re trying to get their tax dollars. This is why there’s a big portion is in at least some regards. We’ve seen the success of Colorado, we’ve seen the success of California, they have made a ton of money off of legalization of marijuana, and running it through the tax revenues and the billions for both and obviously our government wants a piece of that. So Kathleen with public sector more control centralized distribution and that’s a problem for some people. And I think what we’re seeing here is that there’s a lot of people who’ve been involved in the marijuana industry for a long time, even in its infancy in the legal black market Coulter, stuff and really operated in a legal place, but should have the potential and the opportunity and many people believe that they should have that opportunity to contribute to a private sector and actually take their knowledge and everything they know and make some money off that. And that’s when I start contrast of what we might see at these anterior cannabis stores where these people might not have you re-smoke marijuana in the life that could be like LCBO employees, you don’t know anything, people who like marijuana and people who are even first coming across marijuana, you wanna have someone that knows what they’re talking about, knows the effects of different strains, all these things are really important of course sort of called tenders, and that’s where… that’s where I think a lot of people want to see this go. The people who have known marijuana have been involved with it for a long time, actually having an opportunity to share that now, share the passion that they have for it as it becomes legal. But really, I don’t know how, I don’t know if that’s gonna happen. Then we’ve seen here in London Atari where I am, there has been numerous stores, popping up, I think we’ve got a couple right now that are actually running, but also many of them have been shut down as they tried to be this process of course it was before it was legal, but it’s a really difficult sell for the government to… they want to keep this in a pretty stringent supply chain. They don’t want kids accessing it, all these problems, all these things were here. We’ve seen a little bit of loose thing of this with alcohol and grocery stores, but it’s still a long way before. I think we see a privatized sector like that. And I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but the big piece here that everyone is very aware of is that if this doesn’t roll out the way people want it to, if it goes public, sector, if the costs are too high, if it’s knowing to get there are distribution systems in place. The east been illegal, but a lot of people are smoking it. If the price is there, if it’s not competitive, then it’s not gonna change the black market is still gonna thrive, and it’s gonna be not as successful as I believe they hope it’s gonna be so we’re gonna really have to see how it plays out. All of this stuff has a lot of moving parts. We are again one of the first people setting up this system, the array has had some success. We wanna make sure we’re doing it right and we, we might roll this out may be in at some point, the blueprint for how other countries are gonna do this. Now, that’s sort of my little thought on the actual legalization part again, what I wanted to touch on it was just I think how much of a watershed moment, this is for drugs for recreational therapy there for recreational use rational, therapy.

And I really wanna explore this. And so what I wanted to look was at the Future of drug. So we’ve now seen legalization in Canada or marijuana at least it’s coming here in October. But what does that future look like?

And, what we’ve seen especially lately are some really interesting trends in drugs for therapeutic use. So this is maps multi-disciplinary Association for psychedelic studies. They have been around for quite a long time, and I don’t think I have everything on them here, but they are looking at ways that other very margin, like drugs can have a positive impact on people’s mental health, on their Coty, of life. And we have seen some big things that have been done through this and some massive success around Mount trauma around addiction around end of life people with terminal diseases the way that MTM… so Simon and LSD. And I think there’s a ton of other ones and ones that I don’t even know I do gain is one, I ask which is a plant form, which includes TMT, and all these different natural variations they have chemical variations that they’ve made as well, too, that they’re actually using to treat, treat clients guided them through, usually set them up with a little bit of cognitive behavior therapy, “tell them what to expect and then guide them through a use case with this so they’ll actually help them do some properly, they’ll take the dose and then the doctor, the psychiatrist who’s ever running these clinics is guiding them through that journey and the a light trip all these, all these… so like a fight less for what your supposed to do when you’re tripping and IFRS if there’s something bad and dark in it to move, move towards it, instead of moving away, all these little things and lessons that have been learned over time. But what we’ve seen here, actually wanted to pull this as well, too, is a shift in the credibility of this. This is a book written by Michael Palin Michael Pollan is a credible journalist in New York Time best seller and he started to hear these murmurs and whispers about the use of psychedelics to help solve mental, mental illness. And these trials were going on at John Hawkins and a paper, please 207 that really saw just an amazing result, a 80 percent effectiveness compared to one percent for ssris meaning the traditional pills that people take when they have depression or have a mental illness, they are compared success to one percentage. It’s dramatic. It was something that, Michael, I think Red Pete is interested in something that they needed to explore and so what he actually did, I actually listened to this book. I think it retention, the last hour, I heard him on Durand. Then I download this book, as is so interested in what he was talking about, and he actually went and wrote the book and then also recorded the audio book, so it’s his voice which is great, he’s got a great voice. I listened to this whole thing, and he did a really thorough job he went back from the history of psychedelics and discovering last to the time, the Lira clinical trials, which caused a ton of problems in brilliant on the drum war and Nixon and everything that stopped the progress of psychedelics and how they could be used for their previous and all the way up to today, and what we’re seeing, what we’re exploring the results and it’s really an exciting time for anyone who is interested in seeing how these forms of therapeutic treatment differ from the traditional means that were usually seeing that are largely almost majority not effective, and we’re continuing to see treatment-resistant depression. I think there’s a lot of mis-diagnosis. I think people are not seeing the results that I want with these ssris with these anti-depressants and so we’re in a state of chaos for our mental health system or the way that we treat mental health and until we start exploring some opportunities, ones like this, I think we’re gonna be in a trouble and we’re not really getting to the root of the problem, which is what they’ve seen to see what they’ve come to see throughout these. Throw up these trials and through these tests, we can see here in Vancouver where these trials are now being now that there’s some credibility behind this stuff, it’s much easier for them to get approved for studies, to actually do these trials here was a man psychotherapy trial in a final phase in Vancouver we have obviously seen the Socio-mushrooms again but the LSD and then the NMA, and the other couples I mentioned from week seen this.

We’re trying to see this in mass media these videos of people who are taking a CBD oil and actually their kids aren’t having sessions anymore. All these amazing things and yet the stigma around mental health are around drugs around mental health because of drugs is still there, and it’s decreasing here in London. Have least trying to get there with clinics where people can take drugs safely, and this is more for needles and injections but this stigma is decreasing, but it’s definitely still there. And so, for Canada be at the forefront of this set. An example that we get it. There’s rhetoric, there’s doctors. This was against drugs had its impact is I stopped research into this stuff. It’s really, I think, caused problems for a lot of people who feel shame about using these kind of drugs, any of this kind of stuff, it’s just caused a lot of societal problems, and so, to be in a country that’s contributing to what hoping is a better future that looks at all the methods for how we can treat treatment, treat trauma… treat vets coming back from war treat people who have cancer and are now her dying and having existential crises because of it. This is all very important stuff. And I know from my own experience, I even me making this video, I get very nervous about making this video. I had experiences with marijuana, with psychedelics and getting so-so siding, mushrooms. And that scares me to talk about this stuff ’cause it’s a stigma. That’s a shame associated with it. I don’t know if people think that I can run a business just because I’m interested in this stuff, and I’ve had those experiences in the past and hope to have some of those experiences and teaching moments in the future as well too. And that’s a shame because I think there’s a lot of people missing out on some serious opportunities to explore themselves to learn some things about themselves that they didn’t know about the world and what they often talk about which that comes out of, out of these therapy sessions in or of use in general of this. Now, what that quality is things that we just know is true deep down to our core, and that sometimes we have to uncover and often, this uncovering happens while well in on a psychedelic while on MDMA and and creating basically a mystical moment, a spiritual connection that can really shift people. And I seen it over and over again, as the research continues. Were I think we’re only gonna continue to see this. And to me to look back and see that in the 70s we were seeing the same success with this kind of stuff, and just because a couple of people didn’t like it, they didn’t like that. It made people question authority. The people who are doing it, didn’t wanna go to war that they were preaching love and not hate, and crime that took us away from years of research data and just I think a mentally healthier world that might not be in the of the predicament in the situation that it’s in right now. And of course, there’s some over-optimism about about marijuana about psychedelics, and just this kind of treatments in general, they’re always has bad. And I think he will continue to be in that regard, to… but if we can look at this from a scientific practical place and see that there is the opportunity for some serious success here. I’m hoping that Can I get on that same page? And I think Canada doing this as a country that a lot of people we respect and admire. It’s making a statement and it’s a statement that is Canadian and proud to make and I, as someone who struggled with mental health, no, no is a big step that we’re taking, so I don’t think I have too much else to say today. That’s a good enough rant. 70 minutes about drugs and the future up jugs probably gonna get me in enough trouble, already, so I’m gonna shut it down here today, but if you’re interested in this stuff, let me know, shoot me a message because I think this is… I think this is just really fascinating. I’m continuing to explore this myself, both on seeing how it has applications therapeutically, and what’s going on in the science world on it, but just also on the cultural side as well to it. We’ve seen some amazing cultural moments. Music are created out of this stuff. And I think that combination of both science-based, but also the Spiritual domestic base that is almost Shamanism and science mix together can have some profound impacts on our society. So, I’m out there, hope you guys have a great weekend. I look forward to hopefully coming back for week four, here and continuing this habit of creating some content and hope in you guys like it, thank you very much. A degree. We can go.

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