A Love Letter To Therapsil

Thank you Therapsil.

Thank you for all the incredible work that you have done this year. 

From 2015 until now, I have worked with a lot of nonprofits. From Pillar Nonprofit to the YMCA to the London Health Sciences Foundation to MAPS Canada and more.

Although I had seen the profound impact of this organization’s work in the London community, I created this delusion that you need to have a bunch of money to really make a change. 

Therapsil’s work this year has challenged that notion. A small team of passionate people without that many resources found a path to change Canada and the world forever.

They have given me so much motivation and inspiration. Their impact has been immense and immediate. I get emotional even thinking about it. 

Who is Therapsil?

“Our initial focus is on the provision of compassionate treatment for Canadians in palliative care who suffer from end-of-life distress. End-of-life distress is best described as the combination of anxiety, depression, hopelessness, and demoralization experienced by patients who receive a diagnosis of an incurable illness, or who are in remission from diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, or heart disease. As research in psychedelic medicine matures, we will further expand our services to include others who may benefit from psilocybin.

On August 4th, 2020, four individuals who experience end-of-life distress, and who were supported by TheraPsil in their application for an exemption to the Canadian Drugs and Substances Act were approved!

This was the first time that 4 personal applications for psilocybin therapy were approved in Canada since psilocybin was made illegal in 1974.

We are actively accepting new patients who are interested in trying psilocybin therapy and who meet our inclusion criteria.

TheraPsil looks forward to helping many more Canadians gain access to legal, psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy.”

What did Therapsil do this year?

Got Canadians with end-of-life anxiety approved for psilocybin treatment.

http://Special permission granted by Health Canada for end-of-life ‘magic mushroom’ therapy

Got a non-palliative patient approved for psilocybin treatment.

Have now had over 15 health professional approved for psilocybin treatment. 

How did they do it?

Therapsil made change that is actually impacting people’s lives. There are a lot of people who want to help and contribute but struggle to channel that passion and energy into something that makes a difference.

What I love so much about Therapsil is they identified a path to make an impact, honed in on it and executed.

They found Patty Hadju, the health minister or Canada and realized she could make exemptions. 

Through this amazing guerilla-style marketing campaign, they put public pressure on Patty. Sometimes I even felt bad for her 😂

But, it was extremely effective. It worked. They would tweet her. Tag her in messages on Facebook. Write articles with her name in them. Get quotes from healthcare professionals. Get actual videos addressed directly to her. 

Therapsil Fundraiser

Christian Therapsil Campaign

Help make legal psilocybin therapy accessible for Canadians in medical need.

Pictured above is Christian, a resident of British Columbia battling stage 4 cancer, who recently received an exemption to access psilocybin therapy to treat his end-of-life distress.

Your donations will help us advocate for psilocybin therapy for more Canadians, like Christian, who are in medical need and could benefit from this treatment option.

Here is a link to the fundraiser.

Every donation is matched up to $250,000!

Other great nonprofits that you can get involved in Canada if you want to contribute to psychedelic movements:

Canadian Psychedelic Association

MAPS Canada

Call on any of my friends in the nonprofit space to help Therapsil if you can. 

I see companies constantly sharing their updates. 

Companies like:

Field Trip Health


Havn Life

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